Gardening DIY Safety Tips

Top Garden Safety Tips
# Always pay attention when using garden equipment, especially if it is electrical. Make sure cables trial behind the equipment, never cut towards a flex or use in the rain or wet conditions and always use an RCD with any electrical garden appliance.

# Never clean, lift, adjust or even check electrical garden tools while they are still connected to a power supply. Always switch off and unplug first. Only clear grass from a power mower once it is switched off and the spark plug cap has been removed.

# Don't clean electrical garden equipment with water - switch off first, unplug and then wipe it with a cloth.

# Always protect your feet by wearing strong shoes or boots. Hover mowers and trimmers can easily drift and injure a foot.

# If you have materials such as asbestos and lead in your garden, seek advice about handling it from your local authority or call in a professional.

# Be aware of uneven paving, slippery paths and broken concrete - they can cause accidents.

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