Make Your Skin Glow with The Body Shop

1. Top skin creams. Hundreds of gorgeous, innovative, sweet-smelling products that do exactly what they claim to do. Many products here are organic, fair trade and environmentally friendly, for people who care not only for themselves but also the planet.

2. Vitamins. The correct amount of Vitamins is essential for good health. In fact, the antioxidants alone (Vitamin C & E or beta carotene) can make your RealAge up to 6 years younger! You must eat to make your Skin Glow. So load your shopping cart with nutrients that research has shown to have skin-hydrating, sun-protecting, and even wrinkle-preventing powers.

3. Green Tea. While all true teas contain EGCG (epigallocatechin-3-gallate), the various types of green tea have the most. Gives your skin a healthy dose of EGCG, which is a great multi-tasker. EGCG puts a damper on inflammatory chemicals involved in acne and sun-related skin aging; it also helps prevent skin cancer; and it has a lion-tamer effect on tumor cells. What’s more, green tea contains L-theanine, a de-tensing amino acid and anything you can do to staunch the flow of the stress hormone cortisol helps keep collagen fibers intact.

4. Fish. Give your skin a double benefit: age-fighting omega-3 fatty acids plus the restorative powers of protein. Omega-3s fight inflammation, now considered one of the top skin-agers, and they also help protect against sunburn, enhancing the effects of your SPF sunscreen. Protein is required to build and repair skin cells and to make enzymes and hormones that help keep it glowing.

1 comment:

Julie Morgan said...

Very interesting! Thanks for the link.