Some Easy Ways To Lose Weight

Extra layers of clothing, warm offices and centrally heated homes can lead to dehydration. Studies show that even small losses in fluids can lead to tiredness and lethargy which in turn can result in excess weight gain, as when tired we feel less inclined to exercise. Research also shows that thirst is often confused with hunger so being dehydrated could actually cause you to eat more too. To avoid that happening drink at least eight glasses of water a day or for a more appealing winter warming drink try herbal and weak teas or hot water with lemon.

There's nothing like a cold to wipe out your workout, bring activity levels to a standstill and turn your healthy eating habits on their head - all of which can lead to excess weight gain. Experts agree that the single most effective thing you can do to reduce your risk of picking up one of the 200 common cold and flu viruses is to wash your hands regularly throughout the day.

Women who sleep for five or fewer hours a night are 32 percent more likely to gain weight and 15 percent more likely to become obese than women who sleep for seven or more hours. Why? It is believed that lack of sleep may slow metabolism or decrease the calories burned by spontaneous activities such as fidgeting. What better reason could there be to dive under that duvet this winter?

Take Alli
Alli is the only FDA approved over the counter weight-loss aid for overweight adults. If you add Alli to a reduced calorie, lower fat diet, it can reward your hard work, with 50% more weight loss. So for every 2 lb weight you lose by your own efforts, alli can help you lose 1 lb more.

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