Depression & Anxiety - Self Help Guides

Is there a simple cure for depression, anxiety and phobia? Unfortunately not. But there is self-help available. This debilitating illness, can prevent you from leading a normal life. A few simple changes to the way you live your life can make a lot of difference, and help you regain your happiness and confidence.

Don't feel alone. There are many good books about depression and social anxiety, written by people who have been through what you are experiencing.

Mind Over Mood: Change How You Feel By Changing the Way You Think, by Christine A Padesky and Dennis Greenberger is a bestseller self help guide, that has helped 1000's of people.

Nervous Illness. Learn to take your place among people without fear.
Self Help for Your Nerves: Learn to Relax and Enjoy Life Again by Overcoming Stress and Fear

Step-by-step help for sufferers of anxiety and phobic disorders.
The Anxiety and Phobia Workbook (Anxiety & Phobia Workbook)

Simple, fast and targetted guidance coupled with video & audio resources.
Stress Free in 30 Days: The Common Sense Approach to Stress and Anxiety by the Author of the World Acclaimed Linden Method

Click here for US Depression & Anxiety - Self Help Guides.



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Anonymous said...

The psychological symptoms of anxiety disorder mainly include uneasiness, fear of losing control, behavioral problems, sleep problems, nightmares, insecurity, restlessness, confusion, avoidance, nervousness, constant fear, hypervigilance, escapism and self-consciousness. The associated physical symptoms of anxiety disorder include sweating, shortness of breath, flushing, palpitation, dry mouth, nausea, hot flashes, chills, cold and numbness in feet and hands, muscle pain, joint pain, tremors, twitches, chest pain, headache, stomach pains, queasiness, diarrhea, frequent urination, dizziness and fatigue.